Food for Thought
If you are experiencing stress, or you feel tightness in your body, make your exhale longer than your inhale. You are not forcing your exhale. Rather, you are gently allowing your exhale to become longer. The breath is a powerful mediator of the mind-body paradigm that helps with relaxation.
Have you been in nature recently? Not in a way to conquer it but to just be; as in listening to the birds, looking at the sunrise, and taking in the smells. Just being in nature is a proven way to bring your blood pressure down a few notches.
Make time to craft – using your hands to create something is beneficial for your nervous system to let it know that it is safe, it is ok, and that it can settle and relax.
If you haven’t cooked for yourself, your family or friends in a while and you actually enjoy doing so – carve out time to cook a meal. Giving can help in increasing your happiness quotient.
Can you think of three or more things that are playful for you? Would you consider making play a regular practice? For example, I like to play with my cat, running and chasing him around the house and yard. Play can help you be in this very moment.
Have you asked yourself – what is balance? How do I know when I am balanced? Does it change from one day to another? How do I experience it in my body? This information can offer directionality in your day to day life.
Can you list eight things you are grateful for? This practice has a way of opening the heart as well as adding to your sense of satisfaction.

“Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination. Calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–over and over announcing your place in the family of things.”
—Mary Oliver